1. Introduction

The First Nations Energy and Mining Council (FNEMC), in collaboration with the Fraser Basin Council, is undertaking a Labour Market Study exploring Aboriginal Youth and Employment in the Energy Industry.

Clean Energy is rapidly growing sector in BC and includes technologies such as wind turbines, solar panels, micro-hydro (run of river projects), bio-fuels, and energy efficiency.

There will be many exciting job opportunities and Aboriginal youth will have the opportunity to lead the way. Many Aboriginal communities are already investing and participating in substantial energy developments with significant opportunities for employment and economic development.

The FNEMC, with its mandate from all the Chiefs in British Columbia, is working to develop a strategic plan that will support Aboriginal peoples throughout the province to fully realize and benefit from the economic and employment opportunities that will result from these developments.

The following survey is intended to assist FNEMC and the Fraser Basin Council, in gaining a greater understanding of the issues and challenges confronting Aboriginal communities, agencies, and individuals in assisting Aboriginal youth to successfully attain meaningful employment in the energy sector.

As an Aboriginal youth representative or someone who works with youth, your perspective and experiences are highly valuable for us to develop an effective employment and training strategy. The survey will only take a few minutes of your time and will be kept confidential.

Thank you for your time