Duns Volunteer Hall (the largest community hall in Berwickshire) was built by public subscription in the 1890s. From the beginning it has served as a community venue for drama, concerts, musical theatre and social events. A Heart for Duns (AHFD) was established in 2012 to ensure the long term future of the Hall. Our objectives are to provide a multi-purpose community hall for use by the people of Duns and Berwickshire. We want to ensure we develop what the community wants as well as build a strong business case for the improvement of the Volunteer Hall to support applications for grant funding.

This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. Please complete it online at or hand in completed paper copies at Nairn’s/the Post Office by 14th November. This research is being carried out by Community Enterprise (01506 862227) on behalf of A Heart for Duns. All information is gathered in the strictest confidence.

Question Title

* 1. Are you answering this survey as...(tick all that apply)