1. Introduction

In previous years TSSA has conducted pay surveys for our members to gather your views on what your priorities are and 2012 is no different except this year we are conducting this survey online. This should hopefully make this process easier for you to complete and for us to collate and gather your views.

This year the only grade groups that TSSA bargains for that aren’t part of a multiyear deal beyond 2012 are Management and HQ clerical grades and so this survey is designed with you in mind. The claim that your reps take forward belongs to all of you and requires your input for it to be most effective. It is important that you let us know your views so that they can be collated and taken forward. You can be assured that your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used to gain a general consensus of what our members seek to achieve.

We need as many members as possible to participate in the survey which should only take a few minutes to complete. The information you provide us with will form the basis of our discussions with management when we meet.

Please complete this survey no later than Wednesday 29th February.

Thank you for your time.