1. Introduction

10% of survey complete.
Thank you for taking part in this new research project being run by the British Council and University Alliance (a UK organisation working to promote and sustain the public benefit delivered by universities) to explore the future of higher education in South East Asia.

The British Council in East Asia wants to better understand the full extent of the opportunities and challenges facing the ASEAN region in the next 20 years. They are working with University Alliance who have recently used a similar method to develop scenarios for the future of UK higher education sector.

This online questionnaire is an opportunity for you to feed in to this research. The following questions look at current and future challenges and the drivers of change. This research will help to build a set of scenarios of potential higher education landscapes in 2035.

The survey will take around 20 minutes to complete. We are looking for as many thoughts and ideas as possible to build a picture of what the future might look like and what that could mean for universities in the region.

The survey will be open until Friday 30 May.

Our hope is that the project will identify how higher education systems and policy-makers in the region can make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead, serve society and the economy, and seek out new and innovative ways to anticipate, approach and tackle the challenges of the future.

Thank you again for taking the time to fill this survey out.

The University Alliance and British Council project team