Thank you for your interest in AmusedMoose LaughOff talent search for comedy performers who write their own material, who have "potential star quality". This is not limited to stand-up comedy.

Entries are not yet open, but please provide your contact details further down, so we can keep you in the loop.

The first stage of entering will involve you providing a link to an upload of you getting laughs. So you should film your set, and then upload the best 90 seconds of your comedy to vimeo, YouTube or similar (maybe password protected).
If your short clip is selected by the online international comedy industry panel, you will be asked to upload your 10 minute set; so you may want to think ahead about filming a 10 minute set.

Before you start filming do check the basic ENTRY CRITERIA:

The content you submit must be your own material.

Everyone age 18 and older is welcome to enter, except anyone who doesn't qualify as being 'new talent', such as;
anyone who terms themselves a 'professional';
any previous Amused Moose Laugh Off finalist;
anyone who has entered the competition three times before.

Those who win through both online rounds, will be required to travel to London to perform in further round/s where there will be a live audience and 'comedy industry' panellists. These live rounds are likely to be on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays from April to June; dates/venues will be included in the entry details.
Importantly finalists will be required to perform in Edinburgh during the Edinburgh Fringe, all afternoon into the early evening of Sunday 9 August.

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