Welcome to our first survey!

Thank you very much for your attention.

Acclaim Otago (Inc) is a support group for injured people and their families. We have been an incorporated society since May 2003. We have become concerned that there is very little independent data available to accurately describe an injured person's experience with ACC.

We are also concerned that people may be being exited from ACC without first receiving meaningful rehabilitation. ACC has recently said that "rehabilitation always comes first" but we have no simple way of finding out if this is correct or not. This survey aims to find out some of what happens to people who are clients of ACC.

It is the first of many surveys and we hope you will continue to assist us to gain some important data.

We understand that the survey asks you for (at times) relatively detailed information that may not be readily at hand. We would sincerely appreciate it if you could answer the survey as accurately as possible. We hope to use the results of this survey to substantially improve the experience of injured people in New Zealand. Your efforts will be of substantial benefit to others who currently need a helping hand, and any improvements we can make to the scheme will benefit generations of New Zealanders to come.

The individual results of this survey will in NO WAY be shared with ACC and NO identifying information will be released to ACC. The aggregated information will be used to identify systemic problems with the ACC scheme. Your current and future entitlements will not be affected by filling in this survey. All information is for statistical purposes only.

You have the choice of remaining anonymous. The names of survey respondents are not collected by this survey unless your email address includes your name (e.g., and no personal information will be used in the reporting of results. If you do wish to be contacted with further projects, you can leave your email address at the end of this survey. Acclaim will not pass your email address to any third parties without first asking for your informed consent. If you want to be part of further surveys, but don't feel comfortable leaving your email address in the survey, you can send an email to, with the subject line "Add me", and we will add you to the list.

By completing the survey you give consent for your responses to be collected and used for the purpose of statistical reporting of the data collected.