The purpose of this survey is to assess interest among our American Baptist constituents in potential topics for our next round of Mission Summit Conversations to be held in Overland Park, Kansas, June 26-28, 2015. Please share your honest opinions as you respond to each question and potential topic. Although the content received will be used to form topics for future ABC conversation groups, all specific responses will be kept confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicated your level of interest in participating in a dialogue with the topics listed below where 1 = I have no interest and a 5 = I have a great deal of interest.

  I have no interest in this topic I have some interest in this topic I have moderate interest in this topic I have quite a bit of interest in this topic I have a great deal of interest in this topic
Alternative models of pastoral leadership
Associations of the future
Balancing life and ministry
Church planting
Communicating the Gospel in a rapidly changing society
Community networking and partnering in ministry
Congregations of the future
Congregations without buildings
Congregational transformation thru missional outreach
Curriculum development
Economic oppression
Growing as a pastor
Human Sex Trafficking
Immigrant congregations
Mission in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria
Multicultural issues
Next generation of leaders
Pastoral attrition
Regions of the future
Revitalizing aging congregations
Social media
Spiritual life
Women in ministry

Question Title

* 2. Would you prefer to stay with the same conversation in order to get to a deeper level of conversation on that topic or would you prefer to have two different conversations on two different topics that began afresh each time?

Question Title

* 3. How many topics would you like to be available for Mission Summit Conversation?

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* 4. Do you prefer to discuss...

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* 5. When discussing a topic that has already been discussed by others, how important is it to have the learnings from the previous groups in front of you as you begin your conversation?

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* 6. Even if you can attend only one conversation, would you like to be able to "track" the highlights from other conversations on an electronic device such as a portable computer, tablet, or smart phone while at the Mission Summit?

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* 7. In choosing a Mission Summit Conversation to join, do you prefer:

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* 8. Would you like to be able to see brief 2 minute video highlights of the 2015 Mission Summit Conversations?

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* 9. If you plan to attend the 2015 Mission Summit Conversations, how likely would you be to take the time to share your insights following one of the 2015 Mission Summit Conversations in a 2 minute video?

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* 10. What other input would you like to give us regarding the design of the next Mission Summit Conversations?