Dear INEE members,

In response to member demand, INEE is currently mapping out the education response to the Syrian crisis. Help us get a clear picture of the situation and education services offered in Syria proper as well as in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Northern Iraq/Kurdistan and Egypt.

This survey is an attempt to capture the full range of educational work carried out in response to the Syrian crisis since the beginning of the conflict. This includes all education activities related to access and learning environment, teaching and learning, teachers and other education personnel, and education policy.

Please feel free to contact Ryan Burbach at to share reports, data and other information not captured here, or to request information on INEE tools and services.

We thank you in advance for your contributions to this effort. To analyze and compile this information in a timely manner, we ask that the survey be completed by December 15, 2013. Survey results will be synthesized in a report, which will be shared through the INEE website and listserv.

Tzvetomira Laub

On behalf of the INEE Working Group on Minimum Standards and Network Tools