Parent Welcome and Instructions

Welcome Thoreau parents! Thank you very much for taking the time to provide your insights and experiences through this survey.

It is an anonymous survey. There are 19 questions including 6 open-ended questions, divided into four sections: Family Involvement, Communication, Decision Making, and Collaboration. This survey should be taken by the parent or guardian who has the most involvement in school activities or communication with the teachers, specialists, or principal. If both parents are equally involved in communication with the school, either parent can respond or parents can consult together to provide their responses.

This study is a further assessment of the school culture (collaboration and adult interaction), communication, and decision-making. These focus areas came from the Mass Tell Survey Report (Oct. 2012); the survey was taken by 65% of the teaching staff at Thoreau. From the report: “The survey results are perceptual data from educators about the presence of important teaching conditions. More data and discussion with teachers are necessary to triangulate these findings and to provide additional understanding of these perceptions.” (p 3)

Meg Anderson