Photos - February and March 2012

Thank you for taking the time to answer these brief questions. As always, we appreciate your input as a valuable Plaza Research respondent. Plaza Research San Francisco is currently looking for people for a 2-hour in home interview and homework assignment on the topic of photos. You will receive a $185 honorarium for your time.

IF you qualify based on the answers provided THEN you will receive a call back. However due to the popularity of our surveys and groups, we can't contact everyone.

Please note that all responses will be returned on a first come, first served basis until the studies are full.

Question Title

* 1. Contact information

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* 2. What age range do you fall into?

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* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 5. Please indicate your current employment status:

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* 6. Employment Information (if not employed, please write "n/a")...

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* 7. In what range does your total household income fall?

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* 8. Ethnic background

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* 9. Please select all of the following that you have and use.

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* 10. How many days a week do you visit the following sites?

  Never Once a week or rarely 2-4 times per week 5 or more days per week
Other sharing site

Question Title

* 11. Please indiate if the following apply to you...

  Yes No
I have set up a home media server that can store and show all my photos and videos on my TV
I am a professional photorapher who takes 100 or more photos per week
I love photography and try to take a lot of picutes to improve my technique
I am trying to move my music and photo storage online
Nearly all of my photos are digital - I don't see the ponit of physical prints
Within the last three months, I had an event that generated a lot of photos, such as a trip or a wedding
I have a sytem for organizing my digital and print photos, and I feel like I'm doing a good job keeping things organized
I rely on iCloud and Photostream to sync my photos from my iPhome automatically to my computer
I use Google+ or Picasa for automatically uploading all my photos
I am in the middle of a personal phot project right now involving going through hundreds of old photos
I have hundreds of printed photos that are precious to me
I make at least one photo project a year, digital or physical, for another person
I take a lot of photos, but I don't share most of them
I hardly ever take photos and dont' have a lot of them

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* 12. Where are all the places you keep digital photos? Select all that apply.

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* 13. Do you use any of the following to store things online? Select all that apply.

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* 14. How many gifts have you purchased online in the past 60 days?


Thank you for participating in our survey. IF you qualify based on the answers provided THEN you will receive a call back. However due to the popularity of our surveys and groups, we can't contact everyone. Please note that all responses will be returned on a first come, first served basis until the studies are full.


Question Title

* 15. ******FOR COMPANY USE ONLY******
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