
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the draft Lumbar Fusion Bundle and Warranty. The Accountable Payment Model (APM) workgroup will review all of the comments that it receives before submitting a final draft for review and approval by the Bree Collaborative. Responses must be submitted no later than 5 pm on Tuesday, August 19th.

Please read the draft Bundle and Warranty which are available here and here before completing the survey. The Evidence Table is available here. After you have read the documents, we estimate that this survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete.


The Bree Collaborative has developed two products for lumbar fusion: a surgical bundle supported by an evidence table and a warranty:
1. Warranty
2. Bundle
a. Clinical components
--Disability Despite Non-Surgical Therapy
--Fitness for Surgery
--Spinal Fusion Procedure
--Post-Operative Care and Return to Function
b. Quality standards

The warranty is a stand-alone product that does not include quality standards other than accountability for complications. The bundle includes both clinical components and quality standards.

Once you have reviewed the draft bundle and warranty and are ready to take the survey, please click "Next".