
Question Title

* 1. Was this Workshop helpful to you?

Question Title

* 2. During the event, was there enough time for:

  not enough almost enough perfect amount little too much too much time
networking with other participants
presentation of issues
discussion of issues

Question Title

* 3. How would you rate the Workshop in terms of the organization, facilitation and location.

  poor fair good very good excellent

Question Title

* 4. How would you rate the length of the Workshop?

Question Title

* 5. Were the panels and discussion groups well organized (yes or no)?

Question Title

* 6. Should this event be repeated (yes or no)?

Question Title

* 7. If no, please provide comments why you do not think it should be repeated.

Question Title

* 8. If this event was repeated, what specific changes would you recommend?

  Don't do it again No opinion Must do it again
Panel discussions
Group activities
Public evening event

Question Title

* 9. Based on the presentations made on communication methods and ReSDA's research do you feel this is relevant and useful to northern issues and priorities?

Question Title

* 10. Further comments and suggestions (including possible future research)