Please complete the following response form after viewing the Parent Orientation Video. Thank you!

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* 1. Please type your full name.

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* 2. Please type the name and grade of the student you are enrolling.

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* 3. Please type the email address you would like us to use for school communication.

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* 4. How often do you check this email account?

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* 5. Please select, in order of importance to you, the three top reasons you are choosing Gardens School of Technology Arts for your child?

  Top Reason Second Reason Third Reason
Creative technology programs
High standards of academics
High standards of character
Small school atmosphere
Hands-on/Project-based learning
Get my child away from bullying
Alternative to our zoned school
Opportunity to be involved as a parent
New approach to learning because my child has been struggling

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* 6. Are there any other reasons you are choosing Gardens SOTA?

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* 7. Are you prepared to support the code of conduct and personal responsibility expected of our students as stated in the Parent Orientation Video?

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* 8. Do you understand and accept the level of commitment and involvement expected of you as a parent of a Gardens SOTA student?

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* 9. Knowing your student, how frequently do you feel communication about your child's goals and progress is necessary between you and the school to properly support your child's education?

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* 10. Which best describes your approach regarding your child's educational progress? Please use the "Other" response box if needed.

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* 11. If your child is progressing below grade level and/or is provided an Academic Success Strategy with elements described in the Parent Orientation video, will you provide your full support to the plan set forth by the school?

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* 12. Do you have a computer with internet access at home for school assignments?

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* 13. Will you make sure your child attends school regularly and arrives on time each day?

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* 14. Will you make sure your child comes to school each day dressed according to the school dress code?

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* 15. Will you make sure your child receives adequate rest and proper nutrition to support alertness and energy at school?

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* 16. Will you commit to support the school's mission and vision, student code of conduct, and your child's development of 21st century skills?

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* 17. Do you agree to fulfill your annual parent involvement hours as listed in the Parent Handbook?
(25 for enrolled child, 35 for 2+ enrolled children. Reduced hours for single parents.)

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* 18. Are there any sports or clubs you would like to see at Gardens SOTA?

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* 19. If yes, please tell us the club(s) or sport(s) you would like to see at Gardens SOTA.

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* 20. With all you know about Gardens SOTA--our mission, vision, opportunities, expectations and requirements--do you still choose to enroll your student at our choice school?

Thank you for completing the Parent Orientation Response Form. Based upon your responses, our administrative team may speak with you further before finalizing your child's enrollment. Please contact us at the school office if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the topics addressed. Please click "Done" to submit your form.