As an author I'd love to know a bit about how readers use Goodreads when it comes to giveaways and their "want to read" list.

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* 1. Would you say that you use Goodreads more as a way to keep track of the books you're reading or have read, or as a way to keep track of those you'd like to read?

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* 2. Or, to ask it a slightly different way, when you go on Goodreads TO ADD A BOOK for the first time, is it usually to add a book that you'd like to read to your "Want to Read" list, or to add a book/review for a book that you've read?

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* 3. When you're looking for your next book to purchase, how likely is it that you'll go to your Goodreads "Want to Read" list to choose one?

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* 4. If you enter a Goodreads giveaway to win a free book, is it more because:
(If you don't enter giveaways, feel free to skip the rest of the questions)

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* 5. How often do you enter Goodreads giveaways for books outside your normal reading genres?

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* 6. When you enter a Goodreads giveaway for a free book, how often do you put that book on your "Want to Read" list?

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* 7. And if you haven't won a copy, how often would you say you get around to buying the book that you've applied to win?