Thank you for taking the time to complete this short 5 minute survey. Your responses are very much appreciated.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you go to find out about new learning resources?

  very often Fairly often occasionally never Don't Know
Google or other search engines
Word of mouth
Leaflets or posters sent to school
CPD/inset days
Education Scotland website
BBC Bitesize
BBC Bitesize (Scotland)
SQA website
Specific providers like Scottish Book Trust, EcoSchools etc
Subject association websites and conferences
Social media
Email newsletters
local authority

Question Title

* 2. Thinking specifically about the BBC, which, if any, of the following, would you use as a learning resource?

Question Title

* 3. How would you like to receive communication about learning resources from BBC Scotland?

  Daily Weekly Monthly At the end of each term At the beginning of each term Never
Email newsletter
Facebook updates
Twitter feed
Printed promotional material

Question Title

* 4. In a professional capacity, what social media do you use?

Question Title

* 5. Please leave any other comments you think might be relevant or useful.

Question Title

* 6. It would help us to know, what stage you teach?

Question Title

* 7. Can you tell us which local authority you teach in?

Question Title

* 8. Finally can tell us what subject you teach (if applicable) and any other relevant details.

Question Title

* 9. Thank you for completing the survey.
If you would be interested in hearing more from BBC Scotland Learning about new resources for Scottish schools, and are happy for us to have your contact details on file for future projects, please leave your name and email address here. These will be kept completely separate from your survey responses.