
Question Title

* 1. Please answer the following:

Question Title

* 3. Pick one of the following choices to answer each statement.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
1. I think protecting wetlands is important.
2. I cannot do anything to protect fish habitat.
3. Science is interesting.
4. It is OK to put your goldfish into a nearby lake or river.
5. Clean water is important to have.
6. I think all bacteria are bad.
7. Wetlands are useless.
8. We are all responsible for caring for the environment.
9. It is OK to litter.
10. I am concerned about the health of our wetlands.
11. I enjoy watching nature shows.
12. Everyone should learn about the environment.
13. Climate change is a serious environmental issue.
14. I think protecting the environment is important.
15. Learning about fish is interesting.
16. Science makes me think.
17. I think that being a scientist would be exciting.
18. I enjoy learning about fish.
19. I would like to do something to help protect wetlands.
20. My actions can affect the environment.
21. It is okay to put wastes into our rivers.
22. I think protecting some fish is important.
23. I think that protecting threatened and endangered animals and plants is important.
24. I enjoy learning about wildlife.
25. I think science is fun.
26. Science is boring.
27. I think preserving our coast is important for my future.
28. I find science difficult to learn.
29. Conserving habitat for animals is important.
30. Louisiana marshes are important to my life.
31. The ocean does not affect me.
32. I like to read about nature.
33. Science is hard.
34. Science is easier to understand when we play a game or do an activity.
35. I would like to have a part in protecting the environment.
36. I like to read.
37. Dams do not harm habitat
38. Over fishing is not a problem in our country.
39. Conserving habitat for many types of animals is important.