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* 1. What is your street address?

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* 2. How often do you usually set your compost bin at the curb for pickup? Pick the choice closest to your average.

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* 3. If you set out less frequently then once a week, please let us know why?

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* 4. How much material do you put in your bin in a typical week? Is the bin:

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* 5. Do you have less waste in your trash cans as result of composting?

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* 6. Is the 5-gallon bucket the right size for your household?

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* 7. How often do you wash your compost bin? (Washing helps to reduce odors and pests)

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* 8. Have you had any issues with the curbside food scrap collection?

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* 9. If you answered yes to the previous question, please let us know what were the issues?

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* 10. Have you had problems with the following:

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* 11. Would you prefer putting out your food waste for collection on "the same day as yard waste or our trash collection"

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* 12. Before the pilot program did you do backyard composting?

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* 13. Where do you keep the City provided bucket between collections?

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* 14. Do you have a kitchen countertop container (kitchen caddy) that you use before you transfer food scraps into the bucket?

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* 15. If you answered yes to the previous question, please let us know how many kitchen caddy compostable liners do you use every week.

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* 16. How many curbside bin compostable liners do you use each week?

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* 17. Are you interested in continuing your participation in the food scrap collection program after the pilot ends?

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* 18. Please leave other feedback or questions here.