About the Queen of Green Coaches Program

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Thanks for your interest in being a coach! This survey takes approx. 5 minutes and includes information about the program and questions to evaluate your suitability as a volunteer coach.

Spring 2015 will be the sixth round of the program! It's an exciting, twelve-week initiative to green Canadian families. Coaches work directly with families to lessen their footprint on the planet starting in the home and in their community.

And it works! To date over 50 coaches have "greened" 250 families across Canada. Last fall, 85 per cent of families agreed that they made a positive difference in the environment and 75 per cent strongly agreed that having a coach helped inspire change in their home.

How it works:
• Coaches from across Canada receive modules and training from the Queen of Green, Lindsay Coulter, through online meetings (6 meetings in total: intro, 4 modules plus an exit meeting)
• We discuss green living solutions, but also how to overcome apathy, the role of compassion, how to lead authentically and empower people stuck in "what can I do?" mode
• Each coach recruits and "greens" five families from his/her community

The program:
• Families work with their coaches through four, three-week modules tackling waste, food, toxics, and community. Each module suggests actions and helpful resources.
• Coaches may customize modules to make them more relevant for your city
• Coaches meet with their families at least once in-person and are in regular contact with families via phone and email to help them establish goals and support them.
• Coaches often host an event (e.g. clothing swap, potluck, green cleaning workshop, etc.) during the program
• Coaches check-in with families six months after the program to reinforce long-term goals

How to choose families?
• Families should be a light shade of green and be curious about doing more
• Coaches have been most successful when families are recruited from existing networks like neighbours, family, book club, co-workers or fellow school mom's (ideally in your city but not required)