1. What is your vision for the garden?

The Rainier Beach Learning Garden is a hidden gem located behind South Shore School and the Rainier Beach Community Center on the corner of Henderson Street and Rainier Avenue. The garden is a place where students from South Shore School and the Rainier Beach Community Center can learn about nature by working together using their hands in ways that help them succeed in science and math class, learn about nutrition, and eat fresh healthy food. Adults can also take classes at the Rainier Beach Learning Garden.

The garden will be expanding over the next year. We want to hear your ideas on how to make this space into a beautiful and useful place for everyone in our community. We need your ideas so that the design of the new garden will fit the interests our neighborhood.

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* 1. What kinds of things would you like to see in the garden?

  Important Not Important No Opinion
Native plants
Covered teaching space
Tool shed
Rain garden
Healing garden
Scented plants and Herbs
Native wildlife habitat
Space to relax

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* 2. How do you imagine using the garden? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. Have you ever been a gardener or a farmer?

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* 4. What public gardens or parks have you enjoyed?

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* 5. What do you like about them?

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* 6. Do you live or work in Rainier Beach?

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* 7. What is your zipcode?

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* 8. Do you have kid/s who attend South Shore School or the Rainier Beach Community Center?

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* 9. Is there anything else you’d like us to think about in expanding the garden?

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* 10. Would you be interested in helping out? If so, please include your email address and/or telephone number.

The Steering Committee of the Rainier Beach Learning Garden will be holding a public meeting to gather additional ideas from the community. Please join us on March 23rd from 6-8pm at the South Shore School Rotunda (4800 S. Henderson St). Food and childcare will be provided.