Thank you very much for accepting the invitation to participate! The researcher is inviting faculty and academic administration to be in the study. Approximately 1000 subjects are being sought to participate in this study. This form/question is part of a process called "informed consent" to allow you to understand this study before deciding whether or not to take part. You were selected because you hold the position of either faculty or administrator. Your participation in the research study is strictly voluntary. There are no negative repercussions or penalties if you choose not to participate in the study or if you choose to withdraw from this study.

The study is being conducted by Timothy Haupt, Psy.D. who is a post doctoral researcher at Galen College of Nursing. You may already know the researcher as a nursing instructor, but this study is separate from that role.

This is a survey type study that is multiple choice.

If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to complete an internet survey questionnaire on At the bottom of this notification is an assent body by which you give consent to participate in this study.

This survey is voluntary. Whether or not you choose to participate is entirely up to you and you are free to withdraw at any time. There are absolutely no negative repercussions for not participating. If you have concerns, you may email me at or call me directly at 253-336-5922.

There is little to no risk in taking this survey. The purpose is to gauge attitudes that faculty and administration have regarding academic integrity. There will be no exchange or payment in remuneration for taking this survey. It is strictly voluntary.

Any information you provide is confidential. None of your information will be used for purposes outside this research. Your name or any other personally identifiable information will not be included in any part of this research or any other research that may follow. Once the survey information is completed, all data will be purged. You may inspect any data collection at There will be no collection of personally identifiable information outside of the general region of the United States and your academic role (faculty, administration, etc.)

If you have questions, contact Timothy Haupt, Psy.D. at his email :, or at his phone number at 253-336-5922.

If you like, the researcher will email you a copy of this form to your email address.

By clicking the "next" button below, the subject (you) consents to the research being conducted.