Your feedback is important to us

The Christchurch Netball Centre would welcome your feedback on your experience as a player and whether the current environment suits your needs and/or what impediments you face.

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* 1. About you: please nominate your competition level

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* 2. About you: please nominate your age range

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* 3. Finding a Club

  Yes No NA
Were you able to easily find a Club?
Are you aware that Club information is available from the Christchurch Netball Centre website
Are you aware that the Christchurch Netball Centre can assist in finding a club?
Do you think it is difficult to access clubs after students leave school?
Should there be more links between clubs and schools?
If you are at University, is it easy to find out about joining a Club?
Have you ever been turned away by a Club?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the following in terms what influences your decision to play:

  No influence Impediment No opinion
The standard of the competition
Travel to venue
Cost of subs
Other competing sports or interests
Availability of coaches
Need to umpire
Competition on a Saturday only
Work considerations
Need for/to buy uniform

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* 5. If you didn’t play netball this year, please list the main reason(s) why:

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* 6. Why do you play netball at/come to the Christchurch Netball Centre? Please mark any or all applicable:

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* 7. The Metropolitan Sports Facility is likely to be available in Christchurch in the future and opens up the possibility of netball indoors, other forms of netball, night netball, and competition on other days. Please mark any or all  that you would be interested in:

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* 8. Do you play anywhere else because of the reasons/options listed in Question 7.

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* 9. How could we make the experience more attractive for you to play?

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* 10. Any other comments?