Project Title: Study on Dancing

Why is this research being done? This is a research project conducted by the Research Laboratory on Social Behavior at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). The purpose of this research project is to learn more about individuals' attitudes and behaviors toward dancing.

What will I be asked to do? We invite you to complete an online survey of approximately 25 minutes. Your participation in this research is completely voluntary. If you decide to participate in this research, you may stop participating at any time. If you decide not to participate in this study or if you stop participating at any time, you will not be penalized or lose any benefits to which you otherwise qualify. We will keep your personal information confidential.

Questions regarding this survey? For any questions regarding this survey, please contact Maylys Rapaport at the following address :

Statement of Age of Subject and Consent
Your electronic signature indicates that you are at least 18 years of age; the research has been explained to you; your questions have been fully answered; and you freely and voluntarily choose to participate in this research project.

Question Title

* 1. Having read and understood the above text, I agree to take part in the study. I understand that all information will be used for research purposes only and will remain confidential. I freely agree to take part in this research knowing that it is possible to terminate my participation at any time and without having to provide any reason for it.