1. Topical questions

14% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. Nick Clegg has said he wants to raise the income tax threshold by levying new taxes on the wealthy. Do you agree with the following statements about this policy?

  Agree Disagree Don't know
This is a vote winner for the Liberal Democrats
It is irresponsible for Nick Clegg to be recommending a tax policy before the Coalition as a whole has decided its joint policy
Nick Clegg is so damaged by tuition fees that whatever he says will be disbelieved by voters
This is a dangerous policy for the economy because wealth taxes hurt growth
There is a danger that Nick Clegg is presenting himself as the friend of the poor and styling the Tories as defenders of the wealthy

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following two statements is closest to your view about David Cameron's EU veto?

Question Title

* 3. As a last resort, do you agree that the democratic world should use military action to stop Iran becoming a state with nuclear weapons?