Amateur Astronomy Knowledge of Major Astronomy Facilities Survey

Can you help us better educate amateurs and the general public about astronomy?

Dear Amateur Astronomer and/or Astronomy Enthusiast:

The U.S. spends a great deal of money annually supporting astronomy observatories, and getting the word out to the general public about the great work being done at these facilities. The Amateur Astronomy Knowledge of Major Astronomy Facilities Survey is a basic survey trying to assess the public's understanding of these facilities.

The survey should take 3-5 min to complete. PLEASE DO NOT use the Internet or any other resources to answering these questions. This is NOT a test, and all results are completely ANONYMOUS!

We would like to get a general idea of what people currently know based on efforts being made now, and if there are areas that need to be addressed in the future.

Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tim Spuck
Oil Region Astronomical Society President

Question Title

* 1. Please complete the following.

Question Title

* 2. Please select ALL that apply.