Trillium Services, Inc. Exit Interview Survey

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* 1. Employee Name

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* 2. Position

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* 3. Program

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* 4. Please share with us the reason you are leaving Trillium Services.

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* 5. Please rate the following on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). We welcome any feedback you may have to assist us in improving the quality of services we provide, so please share any comments you may have in response to each question below. Thank you!

The expectations of my job were made clear to me.

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* 6. I received the support I needed to do my job well.

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* 7. My supervisor treated me fairly and consistently.

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* 8. The training I received assisted me in doing my job well.

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* 9. Please share with us any suggestions you have for making Trillium Services a better place to work.