Question Title

* 1. Thanks for taking time to provide feedback on the WT school calendar.

The WT School Board has approved the calendar for 15-16, but after discussions with our Teaching & Learning division and feedback from teachers, we began to explore ways to build in better professional development opportunities. Additionally, we know that many districts have piloted and implemented alternative, at home learning opportunities for students, and we would like to explore a pilot for that as well.

Modifications to the calendar are being explored for feedback during the month of February 2015. Please review and lend your thoughts. There are three options after we review survey feedback:
1. Keep the 15-17 calendar the same as it is already approved by the Board
2. Take one of the suggested modifications to the School Board for the 15-17 calendars
3. Take both of the suggested modifications to the School Board for the 15-17 calendars

Please begin your feedback by telling us what stakeholder group you represent in Washington Township: