Over the past few years Children in Wales has run meetings and residentials with young carers asking about what they need to make their caring role easier. This led to a short film and leaflet (http://www.childreninwales.org.uk/areasofwork/youngcarers/dvdandleaflet/index.html)

One of the most common things young carers told us is that ID cards would make a real difference, and the Welsh Government has now asked Children in Wales to look at the potential for ID cards in Wales. We have been busy running workshops with young carers groups and talking to workers as well. We have also set up this consultation so that all young carers in Wales can give us their ideas.

• If you HAVE had a young carers ID card we want to hear about how you have used it, whether it works well and how it could be improved.
• If you HAVE NOT had an ID card we’d still like to hear about how you think it would help you and any worries that you have.

Please note that all responses are confidential and names will not be used. Contact Ed Janes (Ed.Janes@childreninwales.org.uk) if you have any questions or need any help.