
Question Title

* 1. 1. Invitation to Participate and Description of the Project.
As a student in Psychological Science, I am conducting a study on the Motivational Factors and Biopsychosocial Effects of Fantasy Football in order to further our understanding of this topic. We are asking you to participate in the study.

You were recruited to participate in this study from one of several online fantasy football message boards (e.g. ESPN, Yahoo, or FantasySharks). Your participation in the research study is voluntary. Before agreeing to be part of this study please read the following information carefully. Feel free to ask questions if you do not understand something.

2. Description of Procedure.
If you participate in this study, you will be asked to complete a survey with questions pertaining to your basic demographic information as well as your involvement in fantasy football. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

3. Risks and Inconveniences.
There is a possibility that some of the questions in the survey may make you feel uncomfortable. We will be asking you about personal things and you may feel embarrassed at times when talking about your interpersonal relationships or your emotions as they relate to fantasy football. This rarely happens, but if you do feel uncomfortable, you can do any of the following: you can choose not to answer certain questions; you can take a break and continue later, you can choose to stop the survey.

4. Benefits.
This study was not designed to benefit you directly. There is some possibility, however, that by participating in this study you may learn about your own motivations for playing fantasy football, as well as the biopsychosocial effects the game has on your life. In addition, what we learn from the study may help us to better understand why individuals play fantasy football, become heavily invested in it, and what effects this has on their biological/psychological/social functioning.

5. Financial (or other) considerations:
There is no financial compensation for your participation in this study.

6. Confidentiality.
Participants' IP addresses will not be traceable. Any and all information obtained from you during the study will be confidential. Your privacy will be protected at all times. You will not be identified individually in any way as a result of your participation in this research. The data collected may be used as part of publications and papers related to motivational factors and biopsychosocial effects of fantasy football. Participation is anonymous.

7. Voluntary Participation.
Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to participate in this research. Such refusal will not have any negative consequences for you. If you begin to participate in the research, you may at any time, for any reason, discontinue your participation without any negative consequences.

8.Other considerations and questions.
Please feel free to contact the principal investigator, Martin Kurylowski, (860) 833-4219, kurylowskimar@my.ccsu.edu or faculty supervisor Dr. Joanne DiPlacido, (860) 832-3102, diplacido@ccsu. If you have questions about your rights as a research participant of or if you have a research related complaint please contact Dr. Jennifer Hedlund, HSC Chair, (860) 832-2968 or hedlundj@ccsu.edu

By selecting 'I accept' you will be forwarded to the survey.

9% of survey complete.