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* 1. Please rank your satisfaction with our current student Dress Code Guidelines (see student handbook).

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* 2. How satisfied are you with Appleheart as our current uniform vendor?

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* 3. How satisfied are you with Casual Image as our current uniform vendor?

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* 4. How likely would you be to purchase school uniforms strictly through an online vendor?

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* 5. Of the following choices, how would you prefer to purchase CJ uniforms from a vendor?

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* 6. If the school was to change dress code policy to require pants during the colder winter months, how would this affect your son/daughter and your family?

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* 7. If the school were to change the out of uniform day policy to require jeans only, how would this affect your son/daughter and your family?

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* 8. What potential changes to the CJ uniform and dress code policy would you like considered (if any)?

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* 9. Are there any other comments or idea that you would like the uniform committee to consider?