Professional Learning in the Early Years

This survey is designed to collect data and feedback on demographics, content and functionality.

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* 1. Just wondering who is visiting our website...

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* 2. Are you an ETFO Member or Non-Member?

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* 3. How many years have you been certified to teach in Ontario?

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* 4. How many years have you been an early childhood educator?

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* 5. How did you hear about this website?

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* 6. Which specific video responded to a learning need you had? What change do you anticipate it will bring about in your practice?

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* 7. How will you use your learning in your school/workspace?

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* 8. Do you foresee any potential challenges in implementing the strategies or ideas?

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* 9. What is one action that you will take as a result of viewing the website?

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* 10. As a member and/or user of this website, what would you like to see offered in the future by way of video and/or print resources from ETFO to support your professional learning needs?

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* 11. Website Functioning

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
How applicable was this website in meeting your professional learning needs?
How did you find the navigation of this website?
Did you find what you were looking for easily or was it challenging?

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* 12. Was something not working for you? Please let us know so that we can fix it!

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* 13. Any other overall comments about the website…