
Dear Mentoring Program Coordinator:

The Governor's Prevention Partnership is asking for your participation in the Connecticut Mentoring Census, which will be used to assess the current state of youth mentoring in Connecticut. This census will update information from the 2012 census and guide the future of mentoring, helping more children succeed.

Purpose of the survey
By completing this survey, you are providing critical information that helps to inform the training needs of mentoring programs in Connecticut, the implementation of quality mentoring standards throughout the state, and additional resources needed to help your programs be successful. 

What is needed to complete the census?
It is estimated that the census will take approximately 25 minutes to complete for one program, plus an additional 10 minutes per mentoring program within your organization. All questions with a * require a response. You will have the opportunity to submit information for up to three programs; please contact us for guidance if you have more than three programs. 

In order to use your valuable time most efficiently, it is recommended that you gather the following information before beginning the survey:

  • Numbers of mentors and mentees
  • Demographic information on mentors and mentees (ages, ethnicity, gender)
  • Waitlist information
  • Program budgets

The Partnership will share the results of the census in a report based on aggregate responses; all individual responses are confidential.

Only one person from your organization should complete the survey.  You may begin the survey and then return to complete it; Survey Monkey will pick up where you left off as long as you continue on the same computer.  We appreciate your help in submitting the completed survey as soon as possible. 

For additional information about the Mentoring Program Census,
or to request assistance completing the survey,
please contact Hannah Granfield, Director of Mentoring Services
at Hannah.Granfield@preventionworksct.org or (860) 757-3923

Mentoring Works! Thank you for your continued commitment and support of our youth!