July 2014

Dear Provider/Administrator:

In an effort to assess the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership’s (MBHP’s) performance as a contractor of behavioral health services for MassHealth covered individuals we are asking you, the providers of integrated behavioral health services, to respond to this annual MBHP Network Provider Experience Survey. MBHP would like to hear from you about your experience with the integrated services we provide to you. This information will become an element of MBHP’s quality improvement activities and will assist in improving our services to you.

The survey does not require any confidential or identifying information. Please complete the survey reflecting either your individual perspective or the experience of your entire organization as it relates to MBHP. Rate your satisfaction with the activity listed by checking the box that best represents your answer. If you have no personal opinion or if the question does not apply to your organization, mark N/A.

Please complete the survey by Friday, August 15, 2014.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Greg Chalmers, project manager at the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership (MBHP), at greg.chalmers@valueoptions.com or 617-350-4942.

Thank you for your participation in this quality improvement effort. Your input is greatly appreciated.


Elisabeth Okrant
Vice President, Quality Management