Question Title

* 1. Welcome to the Guitars in the Classroom! We are a 501(c)3 organization based in San Diego and serving schools in 32 states and Canada. Thank you so much for volunteering with us! Many hands make it possible to bring music to the heart of learning.

We have many different opportunities for you to participate with us and help others. Your choices can be musical, artistic, technical or administrative. You can do as much or as little as you wish. Everyone is welcome and appreciated!

Please let us know about any opportunities that might appeal to you. When we have read your volunteer form, we will contact you personally to discuss the choices and help you create a plan.

If your volunteerism is part of a company effort and needs to happen at a certain time, please indicate that on your form, below.

You can reach our Executive Director, Jess Baron at to talk things over at any time. We appreciate your time, your kindness and your talent!

First of all, how did you learn about Guitars in the Classroom or GITC ("git-see")?