Are you a foster parent, relative caregiver, Non-Related Extended Family Member (NREFM), or foster-to-adopt parent? If so, we are looking for your feedback regarding the care of youth that have lived, or are living in your home and not yours by birth (i.e. not your biological child). California is working on reforms to improve the foster care system and caregiver input, such as yours, is critical. Sharing information can help us better understand the needs of both youth in foster care and the adults who parent them.

Moving forward we may need additional details around reimbursement rates and specific supports, training and services considered essential for caregivers raising children, teens in particular. Survey data will be evaluated; several focus groups formed, and recommendations made. If this is of interest to you, we ask that you provide contact details at the end of the survey.

This survey is being conducted by the Alliance of Children's Rights and is entirely VOLUNTARY.

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* 1. In what region/area do you live? Check One

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* 2. This section asks demographic questions about your background as a foster parent or relative caregiver for youth who are not your biological children.

Please describe your family and the children you have cared for CURRENTLY or IN THE PAST who are not your biological children (those 21 years and younger). Check those that apply:

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* 3. How many children do/have you care(d) for? This does not include your biological children.

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* 4. On average, how many children (who are not your biological children) are you caring for in your home at any one time?

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* 5. Is your home

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* 6. With regard to the child(ren) you have cared for (currently or in the past) who are NOT your biological child(ren), have you ever cared for children who have experienced any of the following risk factors that may require additional treatments, services, and or a higher level of care? Check all that apply.

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* 8. Have you ever cared for children or youth who meet any of the following descriptions? Choose all those that apply.

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* 9. It is often difficult to find families who will take teenagers. Please indicate the areas that would impact your decision NOT to take a teen (check all that apply):

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* 10. In an effort to reform the foster care system to better assist caregivers and children, would you be willing to share your experience with us? If so, please provide your contact information below.