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RSVP by Tues. 2/3/2015. If space allows, walk-ins are also welcome.
No experience necessary. Must be 18 or older. Perfect attendance is not required.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a docent for Jepson Prairie Preserve!

do•cent, noun, \ˈdō-sənt, dō(t)-ˈsent\: a person who is a knowledgeable guide; a person who leads guided tours

Solano Land Trust docents are volunteers who graduate from our docent training for a specific property and serve as knowledgeable guides on that property. In addition to serving as guides, docents are Solano Land Trust ambassadors to the community and are encouraged to help our 501(c)(3) public benefit organization in other ways (e.g., stewardship, citizen science, education, events).

Jepson Prairie Preserve is owned by Solano Land Trust, and managed in close cooperation with the University of California Natural Reserve System, The Nature Conservancy, and a committee of interested groups and individuals, including members of the the Jepson Prairie Docents.

The Jepson Prairie Docent Program's mission is to foster understanding, appreciation and stewardship for the natural and cultural landscape of the Greater Jepson Prairie Preserve Ecosystem. They do this through interpretive field tours, education programs, and restoration and stewardship activities. This all-volunteer group was founded circa 1984.

Class presentations by regional experts and field trips will prepare docents to lead walks at this vernal pool and native bunchgrass prairie during weekend tours from March 14 to May 10, 2015. Jepson Prairie docent training consists of four Tuesday evening classes in the City of Davis, three Saturday morning field trips at Jepson Prairie, and shadowing of more experienced docents. The 2015 training schedule is as follows:

* Tuesday, Feb. 3: Introduction: Group Introductions, Expectations, Schedule; Jepson Prairie Docents: Mission and Organization—Kate Mawdsley; Hands-on aquatic invertebrates—CJ Addington
* Saturday, Feb. 7: Docent dipping display—CJ Addington; Introduction to Jepson Prairie and tour mechanics--Group
* Tuesday, Feb. 10: Introduction to vernal pools—Carol Witham; California tiger salamander research and life history—Dr. Gideon Bradburd.
* Tuesday, Feb. 17: Fire and grazing effects in vernal pool grasslands—Dr. Jaymee Marty; Birds of Jepson Prairie—Mary Schiedt.
* Saturday, Feb. 21: SLT, NRS and JPP: how do they work together?--Organization reps. Native American and other human history of Jepson Prairie—Dr. Michelle Stevens, Kate Mawdsley
* Tuesday, Feb. 24: Solitary bees and pollination ecology of vernal pool flora—Dr. Robbin Thorp. Questions, discussion, and wrap up.
* Saturday, Feb. 28: Hydrology, soils, landforms and flora—Dr. Bob Holland; Flower identification and pre-season reconnaissance—Carol Witham; Solitary bees in the field—Dr. Robbin Thorp.

Tuesday evening classes are from 7 p.m. to approximately 9 p.m. at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Headquarters, 45211 Chiles Road (also called County Road 32B), Davis, 1.3 miles east of the Mace Blvd. exit from I-80.

Saturday field sessions are from 10 a.m. to approximately noon at Jepson Prairie Preserve, located on Cook Lane, off Highway 113 (approximately 10 miles south of Dixon and 8 miles north of Highway 12).

New docents will receive a copy of the 2012 and 1998 Jepson Prairie Preserve Handbook, a Jepson Prairie tee-shirt or sweatshirt and additional materials in return for a $25.00 donation to Solano Land Trust for enhancement of Jepson Prairie Preserve.

Learn more about Jepson Prairie Preserve at:

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* 1. What is your name? (Please include first and last names).

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* 2. What is your contact information? [Please include your preferred email, phone(s), and mailing address].

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* 3. Why do you want to become a docent for Jepson Prairie Preserve?

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* 4. Briefly describe your knowledge of vernal pools and bunchgrass prairie. If these are unfamiliar to you, what makes you eager to learn about them?

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* 5. What experience do you have with public speaking? If none or little, what makes you want to serve as a knowledgeable guide for Jepson Prairie Preserve?

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* 6. As described above, class presentations by regional experts and field trips will prepare docents to lead walks at this vernal pool and native bunchgrass prairie during weekend tours from March 14 to May 10, 2015. Jepson Prairie docent training consists of four Tuesday evenings in the City of Davis, three Saturday mornings at Jepson Prairie, and shadowing of more experienced docents. Perfect attendance is not required. Will you be able to attend the 2015 training dates listed below?

  Yes No Maybe / Don't know
Tues. Feb. 3, 7-9pm in Davis
Sat. Feb. 7, 10am~Noon at Jepson Prairie
Tues. Feb. 10, 7-9pm in Davis
Tues. Feb. 17, 7-9pm in Davis
Sat. Feb. 21, 10am~Noon at Jepson Prairie
Tues. Feb. 24, 7-9pm in Davis
Sat. Feb. 28, 10am~Noon at Jepson Prairie
Click the "Done" button below to submit your RSVP.

Please attend the first day of training on Tues. Feb. 3 starting at 7 p.m. at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Headquarters, 45211 Chiles Road (also called County Road 32B) in the City of Davis. Located 1.3 miles east of the Mace Blvd. exit from I-80.

Natalie DuMont
Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator
Solano Land Trust
1001 Texas Street, Suite C, Fairfield, CA 94533
707-432-0150, ext. 200 (office) | 415-517-2624 (cell) | 707-432-0151 (fax)