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* 1. How old is your child / children?

  Child 1 Child 2 Child 3
0-2 years
3-5 years
6-8 years
9-11 years
12-14 years
14+ years

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* 2. Do you let your child play out unsupervised in the community?

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* 3. Would you like your child / children to spend more time playing outdoors?

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* 4. Do you think that when you were a child, you played outside more than children do now?

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* 5. In your opinion, what do you think prevents children from spending more time playing outdoors?

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* 6. What do you think would encourage your child / children to play more outside?

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* 7. Do you think your child / children are physically active enough?

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* 8. Do you think community spirit is the same today as it was when you were growing up?

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* 9. What effect does children playing out have on your community?

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* 10. Would you be willing to volunteer your time to enable more children in your community to play outside?

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* 11. What type of provision would you like to see more of in your community?

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* 12. Please leave us your email address if you wish to be entered into the free prize draw to win leisure vouchers and would like to receive our monthly newsletter

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* 13. Please provide us with your postcode