The Essay Contest (, sponsored by the Association of Women in Mathematics and Math for America, has had great participation in recent years, with over 100 essays last year (but as many as 700 in recent years). It is exciting to have so many students from around the world telling the stories of women mathematicians.

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* 1. I would like to volunteer to assist with the 2015 AWM Essay Contest.

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* 2. Please include your last name.

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* 3. Please include your first name.

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* 4. Please include your email address.

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* 5. If you are a woman with a mathematical career, would you volunteer to be interviewed for the contest, either for this year or for next year? (since requests start coming in during the late summer).

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* 6. Are you willing to help with judging? This involves a 5-7 hour time commitment between mid-January and mid-March.