The City of Allentown is in the process of preparing its Five-Year Consolidated Plan for submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Consolidated Plan will serve as a blueprint for the expenditures of federal funds in the City from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020.

As part of this five-year planning process, the City is required to identify the housing and community
development needs for low-moderate income persons and households, as well as persons with special needs. The purpose of this survey is to identify the specific community development needs of your municipality over the next five years, including Public Facility and Public Infrastructure needs. Your participation in this planning process will enable the City to develop an accurate strategy that addresses the priority needs of the low and moderate income residents in individual municipalities.

Please complete the following survey, rating the level of needs as you see fit for each category

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* 1. Name of Person Completing This Survey

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* 2. Are you a resident of the City of Allentown?

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* 3. Do you own a business in the City of Allentown?

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* 4. Do you represent any of the following in the City?


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* 5. The City needs programs to help homeowners repair their homes.

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* 6. The City needs programs to stimulate repairs to rental units.

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* 7. There is a need for financial assistance for families seeking to purchase a home in the City.

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* 8. The housing needs of City residents should be met through new housing construction.

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* 9. The housing needs of City residents should be met through rehabilitation of the existing housing stock.

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* 10. Rehabilitation and new construction of housing using federal funds should incorporate, where possible, sustainable design, energy efficiency, and green technology, even if the cost of "green building" is slightly greater than that of traditional construction.

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* 11. The City should reuse sites with existing, blighted buildings before building on vacant lots to preserve "green space".

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* 12. Additional affordable housing for seniors is needed in the City.

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* 13. The supply of rental housing for low-wage households should be expanded in the City.

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* 14. There is a need to provide rental assistance to lower income households living in the City.

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* 15. The City needs programs that prevent individuals from becoming homeless.

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* 16. There is a need for homeless shelters and transitional housing facilities in the City.

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* 17. The City needs more programs aimed at helping the homeless become self-sufficient.

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* 18. There is a need for programs aimed at overcoming housing discrimination.

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* 19. There is a need to expand the supply of housing accessible to persons with disabilities (for example, mobility impairments, mental illness, etc.) in the City.

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* 20. There is a need for housing for people with HIV/AIDS in the City.

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* 21. There is a need for housing for ex-offenders in the City.


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* 22. There is a need to improve existing parks and recreation facilities in the City.

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* 23. There is a need to create new parks and recreation facilities in the City.

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* 24. There is a need to improve streets and sidewalks in the City.

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* 25. There is a need to improve street lighting in the City.

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* 26. There is a need to expand or improve water and sewer service in the City.


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* 27. There is a need for literacy programs in the City.

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* 28. The City needs more programs and facilities to improve health, and wellness, including: mental health programs and facilities, nutritional programs and facilities, and physical fitness and exercise programs.

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* 29. There is a need for more programs for youth in the City.

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* 30. Additional daycare facilities and programs are needed in the City.

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* 31. There is a need to provide life skills training to lower income households.

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* 32. There is a need to provide more transportation programs in the City.


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* 33. There is a need to provide financial assistance to upgrade existing commercial buildings.

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* 34. There is a need to help low-moderate income residents start or expand their own businesses.

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* 35. There is a need to help businesses purchase machinery and equipment.

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* 36. There is a need to provide employment training to City residents.


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* 37. There is a need to provide financial assistance to preserve historic homes and buildings.

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* 38. There is a need to provide a higher level of code enforcement.

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* 39. There is a need to demolish vacant and deteriorated structures.

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* 40. There is a need to undertake targeted revitalization projects.

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* 41. In your opinion, what is the most significant housing and community development issue facing the City of Allentown in the next five years?