Ontario 211 and NTEN Questionnaire for Ontario Nonprofits

Ontario 211 and NTEN would like to know more about how your organization is working with technology for your cause.

Technology has become a major part of nonprofit work, from communications to organizational efficiency to even program delivery, and we want to hear more about your particular successes, challenges, and even vision for what you could do with technology if budget weren’t an issue.

We’ll share your stories, along with stories from other nonprofits, with the rest of the NTEN and Ontario 211 nonprofit communities this fall.

The information from this project will help paint a clearer picture of how Ontario nonprofits feel about the role technology plays in their work and also help NTEN and Ontario 211 identify future resources and educational series that would best meet your needs.

To thank you for your time, we’ll send you a coupon for a free webinar from NTEN upon completion (which you can use yourself or give to any member of your staff to use).

Question Title

* 1. First, tell us a little bit about your organization:

Question Title

* 2. How would you compare your organization with other nonprofits, in general, when it comes to using technology effectively (from databases to social media) to achieve your mission?

33% of survey complete.