Question Title

* 1. Prior to beginning at Derby University did you receive your events guide in the post?

Question Title

* 2. How useful did you find the information?

Question Title

* 3. Did you pick up a wall planner?

Question Title

* 4. How useful did you find it?

Question Title

* 5. What events did you attend?

  Please tick
Welcome Party
Globot Party
Billy Boy Comedy
UV Party
Film Night
Freshers' Party

Question Title

* 6. What suggestions do you have for next years Freshers' events?

Question Title

* 7. Which trips did you attend?

Question Title

* 8. Did you buy a freshers' wristband? and did you think it was good value for money?

Question Title

* 9. Which affiliated club nights did you attend?

Question Title

* 10. Did you attend an afterparty? If so how did you rate it?

Question Title

* 11. Did you attend the Freshers' fair?

Question Title

* 12. Have you visited the UDSU Facebook page?

Question Title

* 13. Where did you get your information on Freshers' events from?

Question Title

* 14. How would you rate your Freshers' experience overall?

Question Title

* 15. Do you know who your Officer Trustees are?

Question Title

* 16. Have you met an Officer Trustee?

Question Title

* 17. Do you follow an Officer Trustee on Facebook or Twitter?

Question Title

* 18. Do you have any other comments you would like to share about your experiences as a Fresher at the University of Derby?

Question Title

* 19. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 20. What is your age?

Question Title

* 21. Do you have any disability as recognised by the Disability Discrimination Act DDA?

Question Title

* 22. What is your ethnicity?

Question Title

* 23. Nationality

  Yes No
EEC member
Do you require a work permit?

Question Title

* 24. If you would like to be entered into our prize draw to win prizes including: MP3 Players and tee-shirts please enter your email below.

Data Protection Act:
Information on this form may be held manually or on a computer system. We will observe strict confidentiality and disclosure will only be made for personnel administration and statistical purposes.