Dear Friends,

We have an unprecedented opportunity to participate in the Synod of Bishops in October where a representative group of bishops from around the world will gather in Rome to address the many challenges that families are facing today. Pope Francis is asking each bishop to solicit the thoughts and lived experiences of the people in their dioceses through a detailed questionnaire.

Archbishop Sartain has forwarded the questionnaire to all the pastors and pastoral coordinators encouraging ways to engage the participation and response of parishioners. The questionnaire is quite complex and more geared to the bishops than the average person in the pew. If you would like to read the full text of the questionnaire as it came from the Vatican, you can find it at the Vatican website:

Today, I received a revised simpler version developed by Fr. Mike Ryan and his colleagues at St. James Cathedral for their parishioners. They have generously offered the survey questionnaire for us to use. It should take no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. All responses to this questionnaire will be absolutely anonymous and confidential.

I earnestly hope that you will avail of this unique opportunity to participate in the conversation that have profound implications for all of us regarding marriage and family life by taking the time to respond to the survey as soon as possible (there are deadlines to be considered in the gathering and collating of responses). As Fr. Ryan noted, “…..Pope Francis wants church leaders to have an opportunity to listen to their people, to their experience, and to challenges they face, so that the church can respond in a pastoral way to their needs and the needs of our time.”

Thank you.


Linda Lopez Liang
Pastoral Coordinator St. Peter Parish