Family Satisfaction Survey

The staff of Future Einsteins would like to understand and measure the experiences of parents who have a child or youth receiving services from the Center.  In particular, we wish to know your perception of the care you have been receiving over the past year from our organization, along with your satisfaction with this service.
The following questions are based on what parents, like yourself, have told us about the way care is sometimes offered.  We are interested in your personal thoughts and would appreciate your completing this questionnaire on your own without discussing it with anyone else.
For each question, please indicate how much the event or situation happens to you.  You are asked to respond by clicking one of several opinions ranging from "Excellent" to "Unacceptable", based on whichever response best fits your experience. Please note that the "Not Applicable" option is available if the situation described does not apply to you.
The term "people" refers to those individuals who work directly with your child.  These may include the following individuals: preschool teachers, afterschool teachers, summer camp counselors, etc.

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* 1. When your child was enrolled into Future Einsteins, how was the enrollment process?

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* 2. How well are you and your child treated by staff?

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* 3. If you have asked staff for help during the program year, how helpful were they?

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* 4. How well do staff answer your questions?

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* 5. How well do staff handle difficult situations?

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* 6. How well did Future Einsteins help prepare your child for kindergarten?

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* 7. How do you rate the appearance of your child's classroom?

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* 8. How do you rate classroom equipment and supplies in meeting your child's needs?

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* 9. How do you rate the overall success of the Future Einsteins Preschool/After School Program?

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* 10. How well do staff answer your questions?