Question Title

* 1. Are you a

Question Title

* 2. Please rank your biggest business/work place challenges now. 1 = Very challenging 2 = pretty challenging 3 = not so much

  1 2 3
Creating more revenue/business opportunities
Starting a new business
Getting my team to work together
Improving communication within and across teams
Reducing staff turnover
Increasing and sustaining productivity

Question Title

* 3. Is there a big challenge I missed?

Question Title

* 4. Please identify the things you would like to learn now in order of importance to you, putting a 1 next to the most important and 6 next to the least important on this list. Notice the survey will re-create the order of this list based on your preferences.

Question Title

* 5. Thank you for completing the survey. Please provide your name and email address if you would like receive a Productivity Toolkit as my way of showing appreciation for being a subscriber.