
What is this survey about?

We want to know about your experiences and expectations of general practice in the ACT. Your response to this survey will help us get a better understanding of what consumers want and expect of general practice in the ACT.

The Health Care Consumers' Association (HCCA) is the peak consumer voice on health care in the ACT and surrounding region.

In 2009, HCCA conducted a similar survey with the Canberra community about consumer experiences and expectations of general practice. At that time, we had a shortage of general practitioners and the ACT Government established a GP Task Force to examine strategies to address this shortfall.

More than 600 people around Canberra completed the online survey in 2009. We used the findings of the survey to inform our position and input to the GP Task Force. That submission is available on our website.

The survey will take 10 minutes to complete. The material we will collect from this survey is valuable and will inform our work with the ACT Medicare Local as well as with ACT Health.

Your responses are anonymous.

If you wish to provide any documents relating to the questions in this survey, or which you consider may be of interest to HCCA, please send them either by email (research@hcca.org.au), fax (02 6230 7833), or mail to:

Consumer Survey
Health Care Consumers' Association
100 Maitland St

This survey will close on Friday, 4 October 2013.