Salem Community College is keenly interested in learning how the recent Nursing graduates are performing in the workplace. The information provided will remain confidential and will be used to assist in the evaluation and modification of the Nursing Program curriculum.

Please rate the proficiency level in each category for the recent (six to twelve months) nursing graduate(s) from Salem Community College. If more than one graduate is employed, we ask that in doing so, consider the average or composite of our graduates rather than focus on the strengths and/or weaknesses of an individual. Five represents the highest level of proficiency and one represents the lowest level of proficiency.

Question Title

* 1. Which SCC Nursing Graduate did you hire?

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* 2. Critical thinking and problem solving skills

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* 3. Communication skills both verbal and written

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* 4. Knowledge and application of legal and ethical principles

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* 5. Health promotion and maintenance for patients and families

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* 6. Demonstrates evidenced-based practice

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* 7. Participates in professional development activities

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* 8. Making adequate progression towards clinical proficiency

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* 9. Which of the following best describes your facility or organization?

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* 10. Optional: Name and Institution