Question Title

* 1. What year will these events occur?

  2015-2020 2020-2030 2030-2050 2050-2100 2100-2200 2200-2500 2500-3000 Later or Never
Computing: Silicon replaced in computer chips
Computing: Cars, homes and people will communicate wirelessly
Computing: Most people use automated language translation
Computing: Passwords become obsolete
Computing: Contact lenses used for augmented reality
Computing: Wearable computers controlled only by the mind
Materials: 3D printing manufactures most household items
Robotics: Drones in common use globally
Robotics: Robots become common in homes, businesses, hospitals
Medicine: Human clone
Medicine: Doctor visits are mostly automated
Medicine: Effective AIDS vaccine
Medicine: Effective Malaria vaccine
Medicine: Alzheimer's disease mostly prevented
Medicine: Most people have their genome sequenced
Medicine: Artificial body parts become common
Medicine: Global life expectancy reaches 100 years
Medicine: Chips in your body will monitor your health
Transport: Most cars automatically avoid crashes
Transport: Most cars fueled by electricity
Transport: Most cars are self-driving
Transport: Most commercial flights have no human pilots
Transport: Flying cars common
Transport: Most trains float above magnetic tracks
Energy: Coal use increases as carbon sequestration succeeds
Energy: Natural gas is largest fossil fuel source
Energy: Nuclear fusion is largest energy source
Energy: Major disruption of global power grids
Space: People on the moon
Space: People on Mars
Space: People on a small asteroid or planetary satellite
Space: Asteroid mining begins
Space: Permanent colonies on other planets/satellites
Space: People explore outside the solar system
Space: Solid and liquid fuels replaced by ions or fusion
Space: A million space tourists
Environment: Super drought hits US west
Environment: Super earthquake hits US Pacific coast
Environment: Super hurricane hits US Atlantic coast
Environment: 100-meter diameter meteor hits earth
Environment: Arctic ocean free of ice in summer
Environment: Most antarctic ice melts, flooding global coasts
Environment: Mass extinctions in oceans from carbon dioxide
Environment: Bangladesh flooding displaces most of population
Population: Global population reaches 10 billion
Population: Africa has more people than Asia
Population: All but 500 languages are extinct
Population: Most people are atheists
Population: Most people are vegetarians
Politics: Marijuana legalized in US
Politics: Terrorist attack takes over 1 million lives
Politics: A major world power suffers economic collapse
Politics: Major global disruption of Internet
Politics: Major cyber war
Politics: Major nuclear war
Politics: Global federation