Welcome and Background Information

Welcome to the Assessment of HUD-Funded or Designated Neighborhood Networks (NN) Centers and Other Computer Labs within Public and Assisted Housing.
This survey is being conducted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Offices of Public Housing Investments (OPHI) and Multifamily Housing Programs (MF) in collaboration with the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R), which provides reliable and objective research to help the Department make policy decisions. Responses will NOT be used for compliance monitoring. 

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.

I.  Background
Neighborhood Networks (NN) centers are computer centers that were either designated as such by MF or funded by Public Housing grants and located in Public Housing Agencies (PHA) and Multifamily (MF) Housing properties.

A.  The Multifamily Neighborhood Networks Initiative:

In 1995, the Office of MF Housing created the NN Initiative with the goal of preparing residents for jobs in a computer-based economy.  With HUD approval, property owners could use property funds to establish and operate centers.  At its height, HUD estimated that there were over 1,400 NN centers in Multifamily properties around the country.

B. The Public Housing Neighborhood Networks Program:

In 2001, Congress created a companion NN program for Public Housing (PH).  From 2002-2007, through appropriations, HUD made over 300 NN grants totaling $66 million.  Also, Congress created a NN grant program for HOPE VI grantees in 2002 and 2003.  After this time period, the establishment of NN centers was required of any HOPE VI grantee. After appropriations ended, Congress amended the HUD statute to allow Capital and Operating funds to be used specifically for the establishment and operation of NN centers (please see Section 9 (d) Capital Fund of the 1937 Housing Act as amended,  subparagraph (1)(E) and Section 9 (e) Operating Fund of the 1937 Housing Act as amended, subparagraph (1)(K). 

C. Purpose of Survey:
Today's digital economy requires access to computers, the Internet and related training in order to fully participate and benefit from the opportunities and information available online. HUD is interested in understanding how its investments in NN centers have fared and the extent to which residents today have access to digital tools and training.  To this end, this survey will ask about:

1. The current status of NN centers located in both PH and MF properties around the country;
2. Whether PHAs and MF owners may have established computer centers outside the auspices of the NN program; and
3. Where NN  or other computer labs exist in public housing or MF communities; the extent to which these centers are improving residents’ digital literacy and access to online resources and training. 

This survey is voluntary and is being sent to all PHAs and Multifamily owners.

 D.  Additional Information:

This assessment will help the Department understand the extent to which HUD-assisted residents have on-site access to computers and the Internet.

In an effort to minimize the burden on participants and increase response rate, this study is being conducted in one phase.  

This survey was approved by the Office of Management and Budget [OMB Clearance #: 2577-0284; Exp. Date:9/30/2018].