1. Online Survey

Question Title

* 1. What type of training did you participate in?

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* 2. If you viewed an online tutorial, did you have any problems viewing the material?

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* 3. If you participated in an online webinar or in-person training hosted by MEC, did you have any problem registering for the training session?

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* 4. If you participated in an online webinar or in-person training hosted by MEC, did you receive your confirmation and reminder emails in a timely manner?

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* 5. If you attended an online webinar, did you have any problems connecting and/or logging in to the webinar?

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* 6. Overall, did you feel the training was helpful in understanding the law's requirements?

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* 7. Is there other information that you feel should be included as part of the content of the training?

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* 8. Did you feel the sequence of the training was logical?

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* 9. Are there any other topics that you would like to see offered?

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* 10. Do you prefer online tutorials, webinars, in-person trainings or a combination?