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* 1. First things first:

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* 2. If you had to sum up your reaction the the People's Climate March into one word, what would it be?

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* 3. Did you attend a People's Climate March event?

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* 4. At 350, we've found that we work best when we're able to focus on a small number of high-impact campaigns. Your feedback is helpful in determining what we should focus on next.

We need to choose priorities for strengthening our movement. Please choose your top 3 priorities among these options. (only one answer per column)

  1 2 3
A campaign to stop all new fossil fuel infrastructure
Stopping the Keystone XL or other tar sands pipelines
Acting in solidarity with communities most impacted by climate change
Support for an international treaty to limit climate change
National legislation to put a price on carbon pollution
Campaigns to support building renewable energy infrastructure
Challenging climate deniers and obstructionists in Congress
Stopping fracking
Divesting colleges, faith institutions and cities from fossil fuels, reinvesting in alternatives

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* 5. One person who we know needs to show more leadership is President Barack Obama. This is another instance where focusing helps -- what do you think should be pressuring President Obama to do in the remainder of his term?

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* 6. has limited resources to use to support organizing in the United States. Which of the following kinds of projects would you like to see 350 do more of in the future?

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* 7. Is the fossil fuel industry active in your community? If so, what company or project is nearby?

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* 8. Are you interested in getting more involved with If so, say how here - check all that apply:

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* 9. Anything else that you'd like to add about where is going or where it's been?