Potential Names

We would like to find a name that is short, punchy, trips off the tongue and gives happy associations for a wide swath of people. We don’t want just a name we can live with, but a name that brings a smile to your lips as you say it. Feel free to add your idea for a name to the list. Names with hidden meanings are fun, but if you have to explain it to like it, it probably won’t survive because this IS a popularity contest. We really appreciate your participation! 
For info on the restaurant concept and design, visit the Serenitee Blog

Question Title

* 1. Rank Names

  3. I also really like this one 2. A close second 1. My favorite
The Waterfield
The Mill
Thompson Kitchen
The Revelry
The Haven
The Winchester
Mill Pond
Waterfield Kitchen
Mill Pond Kitchen & Cocktails
Terrapin Station 

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your name & email address if you want the latest scoop on 14 Thompson Street